Meal Adaptations

Let’s cook!  The best part of preparing a meal for your guests or family, is sitting down together and sharing components of that meal – passing serving bowls, taking food from the same platter, and sharing conversation.  With so many different dietary requirements and restrictions, it can be a daunting task.  But it doesn’t have to be.  I’m excited to take you on this journey and teach you how to adapt your favorite meals so that everyone at the table can enjoy basically the same thing together. You no longer have to make something completely different for someone. Plant-based and gluten-free adaptations are easier and tastier than you think.

Spring is in the Air!  And it’s in the Pasta!

I am not a fan of all the spring rain and gray weather. But I am a fan of the beautiful spring green that follows. Green buds on the trees, lush green grass, and green shoots sprouting up from the ground. It just makes me feel good, and so does this pasta that was inspired by the feeling of spring.
I have always loved the thought of a family Sunday dinner. The whole family at home, grandparents visiting, and we all sit down to a delicious homemade meal together.
My boys always ask for “Taco Tuesday.” Honestly, I think it’s more about how fun it sounds rolling off the tongue than the tacos themselves.